Question Answer Condition
Can I use your music? Yes Please ensure to give credit to me and produce your own video.
Can I use your art? Depends All images created by me besides those for UTAU voicebank standing images cannot be used without permission.
Can I reupload your music or videos? Yes Please refrain from reuploading it to platforms where I have already shared that song/video. If the original media is deleted, please omit crediting me.
Can I use your USTs? Yes Read the (seperate) guidelines for my USTs here
Can I remix a song you've made? Yes Similar to the first guideline, please make sure to produce your own video! I would be happy if you @/mentioned me in it!

I am not responsible for any damages. If these rules are violated, I will personally reach out to you. Thank you for your understanding.

If you have a question not listed here, then kindly reach out to me on Twitter!